部落冲突:皇室战争5月新内容 皇冠宝箱奖励翻倍
时间:2016-04-15 09:43:26 来源:友邦游戏直播下载网 作者:圈圈部落冲突:皇室战争5月新版本内容已经曝光了哦,想要知道都有那些新内容的话就和小编一起来看一下吧。
1、取消各种名字的颜色修改功能,给予多一次修改名字的机会以补偿 (官方证实)
2、添加在线观看部落内好友对战功能 (官方证实)
3、比赛等级限制改为1479, 9级大本 (官方证实)
4、皇冠宝箱奖励翻倍 (官方证实)5、捐卡系统修改, 要卡和捐卡数量随竞技场等级提升 (官方证实)
A7可以一次要30张普通或3稀有. 捐卡可给一个人捐6普通或1稀有
To help players get to the Tournament Rules more quickly, and considering that we're planning to increase the levels in the next update, we wanted to bring two cool new things at the same time!
Firstly, we're going toDOUBLEthe rewards inside every Crown Chest. This will make grinding out those Crowns and unlocking your daily Crown Chest even more worthwhile -twice as much, in fact!
Secondly, we're revamping the card donation and request system so that it improves as you reach higher Arenas. For example, in the Royal Arena you'll be able to request 30 Common Cards or 3 Rare Cards at a time!
All of the changes above are coming with the next update - current ETA is early next month.